Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just tired....

I'm feeling a bit down today. I'm hoping that my lunch date with a friend of mine will lift my sprits as we see "The Ugly Truth" I heard it was funny! I could use a good laugh. Kyle has been gone for nearly 7 months now and frankly I'm just darn tired of it! I'm tired of managing everything on my own, I've been so strong for so long that I can feel the crack getting bigger and bigger. I run all over here and half of Georgia taking kids to bus stops, picking them up from 2 different aftercare programs,mowing the grass in triple digit heat, gymnastics, cleaing, laundry, baths, dinner, homework, working part time, preparing for level 2 of nursing school...and on and on and on!

I'm just tired!

He was due to be home last week but got delayed until the end of the month! Which sucks! It really didn't bother me too much UNTIL other det sites started coming home! There was one last week, one Sunday, and one tomorrow! While it's nice o know that those families are being reunited...it still stinks that I still have to wait.

Good news is.. I have family coming on Friday and staying a week so that will kill alot of time and we will have fun! The girls are excited! Well i just had to get that off my chest and I haven't posted in a while...take care and God Bless!

Some things that put a smile on my face on tough days....